Thursday, September 13, 2012

Foods That Help Cure Acne Fast And Foods To Avoid

One of the fastest and easiest ways to cure acne and other skin problems is to watch what you eat. It is not just about what foods help in curing acne. You should also be mindful of what foods to avoid if you are suffering from acne.

On this page, let us discuss a few foods that help cure acne as well as some foods you should avoid eating. If you are looking for a complete step-by-step system to cure acne quickly and permanent, go here - Acne No More

Foods Which Help Cure Acne:
For a start, drink plenty of water. It is one of the best things you can do for treating acne condition. Acne is mostly an outward sign that something is wrong within the body. Mostly, it is toxins stored inside the body which can result in acne and pimples. Another major cause for acne is said to be dehydration.

When you drink lots of water everyday, it can re-hydrate your body as well as help in flushing out a lot of toxins from the body. Over a period of few days to few weeks, you can notice your skin condition improving and acne vanishing slowly.

Kindly note that drinking water is just the first step. It is not the only thing you need to do for curing your acne.
Another food good for acne is red beets. These vegetables can help in cleaning our liver, thinning of blood and improving blood circulation. They can be super-helpful in removing the toxins from our body as many of these toxins are usually stored in the liver area before being removed.

Foods rich in Vitamin A are also recommended since they help in neutralizing free radicals from the body. Fish liver oil, chicken, broccoli, carrot, papaya, spinach are some foods which have Vitamin A in abundance.

Fiber rich diet is another important requirement for people who wish to have a clear and acne-free skin. Whole wheat bread, lentils, whole cereal, brown rice, green beans, apple, banana, apricot, oranges, strawberries, raspberries etc are some examples of fiber rich fruits and vegetables which can help cure acne fast. Such foods help in cleaning the system and bring down the toxin levels in your body, thus indirectly contributing to clearing of acne.

In addition to the above foods, you can try sea foods such as salmon, tuna, lake trout, halibut etc. Fatty fish are known to be good for curing acne. The protein present in fatty fish enhances blood sugar balance and minimizes acne symptoms.

Green tea is also good for your skin if you take it regularly. It is a very potent anti-oxidant and also has strong anti-bacterial properties. Green tea contains catechins whose anti-bacterial properties help in fighting acne-causing bacteria. The anti-inflammatory properties of green tea help in reduction of swelling due to acne. It further helps in making the skin smooth in order to prevent further acne breakouts.

So make it a habit to drink a glass of green tea everyday for at least a month. Besides consuming green tea, some people even wash their face with green tea solutions like using leaves of plant Camellia sinensis.

If you are looking for a complete step-by-step system to cure acne quickly and permanent, go here - Acne No More

Foods To Avoid Or Cut Down:
Oily foods - you have to cut down on oil intake in order to prevent further acne breakout.

High Iodine foods - One of the causes of acne is high iodine levels in the body. So be careful about eating foods which have high iodine content. Oily foods and chips are some examples of high iodine foods. Please note that do not completely skip foods which have high iodine because your body requires all nutrients in some quantity. So, just cut down the intake rather than completely skipping such foods.

Refined sugars - Avoid soda drinks, candies, pastries, cakes, too many sweets or cookies. These stuff cause hike in blood sugar levels which the body has to bring down by releasing more hormones. This results in blocking of skin pores and inflammation - thus leading to aggravated acne problems. I understand it can be very difficult to stop eating these kind of foods as we have become habituated to them. You can try to gradually decrease their intake.

Junk food - This is another big no-no if you want a clear skin. More important than eating foods that help cure acne are avoiding foods which can aggravate the problem. If you keep eating those foods which help in curing acne, but don't avoid other unhealthy foods, you are unlikely to notice much improvement in your skin condition. Junk food has many harmful effects like causing weight gain, laziness as well as skin problems.

 Brief Recap:
Lets recap what we discussed in this article:

Foods To Consume for Treating Acne:
  1. Plenty of water
  2. Red beets
  3. Foods rich in Vitamin A
  4. Fiber rich foods
  5. Sea foods
  6. Green tea

Foods To Avoid or Cut Down:
  1. Oily food
  2. High iodine foods
  3. Refined sugar
  4. Junk food
If you are looking for a complete step-by-step system to cure acne quickly and permanent, go here - Acne No More

This article was about foods that help cure acne. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Share with your firends. 

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