Thursday, September 20, 2012

Does Honey Cure Acne? Powerful Methods For Quick, Effective Results

Does Honey Cure Acne And Blackheads Permanently?

Most people nowadays are accustomed to using over-the-counter commercial products for curing acne. They think that these latest and well-researched products are the answer to their pimples problem. However, the truth is quite different.

Our generation has forgotten the amazing benefits and effectiveness of natural cures. Since people have been suffering from acne and skin-related problems from centuries, it is quite obvious that they might have been doing something to treat this problem. Even though there were not any expensive creams or anti-biotics during  those times, they must have been using some other ways to treat their acne problem.

These natural remedies are not only safe, gentle on your skin but also quite effective in getting rid of the problem permanently. The results might not be as quick as you want, but you can experience long-term results without any harmful side effects.

Honey - The Wonder Food:
Honey has been used from thousands of years in the treatment of wounds as well as for a host of skin related ailments. Honey has very strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey has proven to kill even drug-resistant strains of bacteria which are causing a lot of problems these days.

Using honey in order to treat acne condition is a very simple process. You can notice significant results in a short period of time. You can use honey for acne treatment in various ways. The most common is to apply honey mask on your face or anywhere where you have zits.

Take some honey in your hands and gently rub it on the affected areas of your face and body. Do not heat the honey or put it in microwave as it can kill off its healing properties. Leave honey on the skin for 15-20 minutes before washing off with warm water. You might do this once a day for 7-10 days. There are high chances that your acne problem will diminish.

Other Ways Of Using Honey:
Instead of using raw honey, you might try different variations. For example - apply mixture of honey and cinnamon powder on your pimples once a day and leave the mixture on the skin for an hour or more.

You can also mix various other ingredients in honey acne mask to enhance its effect further. I have discussed various such acne masks here - how to make honey acne mask

A Few More Tips From Users:
One person suggests this - apply honey on your face and put a bandaid on it before you retire to sleep at night. When you wake up the next day, the pimples are almost gone from your face. I have not tried this method so cannot vouch for its effectiveness, but you might like to try it out.

Another person says she tried the honey and cinnamon formula and her pimples had gone away. But when she stopped using it, the pimples returned. She says it is best to continue the treatment for a few months or few weeks at least so that the pimples don't come back.

Of course, you also need to watch your diet and avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits otherwise no treatment is going to do you much good.

How Does Honey Cure Acne?
What makes honey so powerful in treating acne? First of all, honey can clean your skin thoroughly. The reason is that honey is absorbed deeply into the skin. So, it can reach deep inside the skin pores and clean them off bacteria and dust particles.

Secondly, due to its anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant qualities, honey has been proven to be very good for the skin. It can not only help you fight off acne, but also rejuvenate your skin making it look fresh, soft, smooth and young. Honey can also hydrate the skin and reduce the effect of sun damage on it.

A Word of Warning:
Now that you have got a detailed answer to your question - does honey cure acne, let me give you a slight word of warning.

Some people might be allergic to one or more components present in honey. This is quite rare, however, you might want to test it out just to be on the safer side.

One way to test is to apply honey on your wrist before you apply on the face. If you notice any allergy symptoms, you might want to avoid using honey for acne treatment.

Learn of step-by-step system to cure your acne forever without expensive creams or medicine - totally natural acne treatment method you can do at home - Acne No More

Read our article on best acne products in the market - my top-rated acne products 

this article was about - does honey cure acne?

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